Flying Stars FengShui for October 2024

Chinese Metaphysics
Flying Stars FengShui for October 2024

Month of the Wood Dog (甲戌 Jia Xu)

The monthly flying stars change positions on the Post-Heaven BaGua with the start of the ninth solar month of the year, which begins on October 8, 2024, with the solar term “Cold Dew” (寒露 Hán Lù) and ends on November 6, 2024.

From October 8 to November 6, 2024, the white star 6, Military Arts, WuQu (六白武曲), becomes the monthly star, taking its place at the center of the Luo Shu.

Reminder of the 9 Flying Stars (ZiBai)

  • White Flying Star 1, Voracious Wolf, Tang Lang (一白貪狼): Belongs to the Water element.
  • Black Flying Star 2, Great Gate, QuMen (二黑巨門): Belongs to the Earth element.
  • Jade Flying Star 3, Prosperous Existence, LuCun (三碧祿存): Belongs to the Wood element.
  • Green Flying Star 4, Literary Arts, WenQu (四綠文曲): Belongs to the Wood element.
  • Yellow Flying Star 5, Incorruptible, LianZhen (五黃廉貞): Belongs to the Earth element.
  • White Flying Star 6, Military Arts, WuQu (六白武曲): Belongs to the Metal element.
  • Red Flying Star 7, Destroyed Army, PoJun (七赤破軍): Belongs to the Metal element.
  • White Flying Star 8, Left Assistant, ZuoFu (八白左輔): Belongs to the Earth element.
  • Purple Flying Star 9, Right Assistant, YouBi (九紫右弼): Belongs to the Fire element.

Placement of the 9 Flying Stars for October 2024:

  1. White Star 6, Military Arts, WuQu (六白武曲) is at the center (TaiJi point 太極點).
  2. Red Star 7, Destroyed Army, PoJun (七赤破軍) is in the Northwest, on the Qian Trigram ☰ (戌 乾 亥).
  3. White Star 8, Left Assistant, ZuoFu (八白左輔) is in the West, on the Dui Trigram ☱ (庚 酉 辛).
  4. Purple Star 9, Right Assistant, YouBi (九紫右弼) is in the Northeast, on the Gen Trigram ☶ (丑 艮 寅).
  5. White Star 1, Voracious Wolf, Tang Lang (一白貪狼) is in the South, on the Li Trigram ☲ (丙 午 丁).
  6. Black Star 2, Great Gate, QuMen (二黑巨門) is in the North, on the Kan Trigram ☵ (壬 子 癸).
  7. Jade Star 3, Prosperous Existence, LuCun (三碧祿存) is in the Southwest, on the Kun Trigram ☷ (未 坤 申).
  8. Green Star 4, Literary Arts, WenQu (四綠文曲) is in the East, on the Zhen Trigram ☳ (甲 卯 乙).
  9. Yellow Star 5, Incorruptible, LianZhen (五黃廉貞) is in the Southeast, on the Xun Trigram ☴ (辰 巽 巳).